About C.O.R.E.
  2-Phys. & Chem. Prop.
  3-Atomic Structure Pt.1
  5-Moles, Molarity,
      Reaction Types
  7-Gas Laws
  8-Atomic Structure Pt.2
  9-Bonding & Geometry
  10-Intermolecular Forces
  12-Colligative Properties
  14-Gas Phase, Solubility,
        Complex Ion Equilibria
  16-Acid-Base Equilibria

Chapter Fourteen - Gas Phase, Solubility, Complex Ion Equilibria
Animations and Documents
NO2N2O4 Equilibrium
This animation shows the effect of change the volume of a gas phase equilibrium mixture where the numbers of reactant and product molecules are different.

CaO CaCO3 Equilibrium
This animation shows a solid and gas equilibrium system and the effect adding additional solid on the position of the equilibrium.

Energy of Activation
This animation shows the change in the number of molecules with energy greater than the energy of activation as the temperature increases.

H2 I2 Equilibrium
This animation shows the effect of change the volume of a gas phase equilibrium mixture where the numbers of reactant and product molecules are the same.

N2 O2 Equilibrium
This animation shows a gas phase equilibrium system.

Solubility of AgCl
This animation shows the equilibrium between an ionic solid and the ions in solution for slightly soluble AgCl.

Ksp of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 Lab Document
This is the document for the determination of the Ksp of Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2 lab.

Ksp Ca(OH)2 with Common Ion Effect Lab Document
This is the document for the determination of the Ksp of Ca(OH)2 lab.

Keq of an Ester Lab Document
This is the document for the determination of the equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of an ester.

Keq FeSCN2+ Lab Document
This is the document for the determination of the equilibrium constant for the formation of FeSCN2+ lab.

LeChatelier's Principle Lab Document
This is the document for the LeChatelier's Principle lab.

Ksp Silver Chromate Lab Document
This is the document for the determination of the Ksp for silver chromate lab.

Introduction Chapter 14
This video is the introduction to Chapter 14 of the web course.

  Blue Bottle Equilibrium
This video shows the equilibrium principles involved in the blue bottle demonstration of the catalytic oxidation of glucose.

FeSCN2+ Equilbrium - LeChatelier's Principle Lab Part 1
This video shows the shifting of the FeSCN2+ equilibrium in the LeChatelier's Principle lab. (Document)

  Chromate Dichromate Ion Equilibrium - LeChatelier's Principle Lab Part 2
This video shows the shifting of the chromate – dichromate ion equilibrium in the LeChatelier's Principle lab.

Cobalt Complex Ion Equilibrium - LeChatelier's Principle Lab Part 3
This video shows the shifting of the Co(H2O)62+ - CoCl42- equilibrium in the LeChatelier's Principle lab.

  NO2 N2O4 Gas Equilibrium- LeChatelier's Principle Lab Part 4
This video shows the shifting of the NO2- N2O4 equilibrium in the LeChatelier's Principle lab.

Volume Effect on Equilibrium- LeChatelier's Principle Lab Extension
This video shows the shifting of the NO2- N2O4 equilibrium using a change in volume.

  Keq FeSCN2+ Lab
This video shows the collection of spectrophotometric data to determine the equilibrium constant for the formation of FeSCN2+.(Document)

Keq of an Ester Lab
This video shows the collection of titration data to determine the equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of an ester. (Document)

Ksp Ca(OH)2 with Common Ion Effect Lab
This video shows the collection of data to determine the K sp of Ca(OH)2 in water and a solution of CaCl2.(Document)

Ksp of Mg(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2 Lab
This video shows the collection of pH data to determine the Ksp of Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2. (Document)

  Ksp Silver Chromate Lab
This video shows the collection of spectrophotometric data to determine the Ksp for silver chromate. (Document)

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