About C.O.R.E.
  2-Phys. & Chem. Prop.
  3-Atomic Structure Pt.1
  5-Moles, Molarity,
      Reaction Types
  7-Gas Laws
  8-Atomic Structure Pt.2
  9-Bonding & Geometry
  10-Intermolecular Forces
  12-Colligative Properties
  14-Gas Phase, Solubility,
        Complex Ion Equilibria
  16-Acid-Base Equilibria

Chapter Twelve - Colligative Properties
Animations and Documents
Osmotic Pressure
This animation shows the separation of a solvent and a solution by a semipermeable membrane, osmosis, and osmotic pressure.

Vapor Pressure Aqueous Solution
This animation shows the transfer of solvent from a solution of low concentration to a solution of high concentration through the vapor phase.

Boiling Point Elevation Lab Document
This is the document for the boiling point elevation of ethylene glycol lab.

Lauric Acid FP Depression Lab Document
This is the document for the lauric acid freezing point depression lab.

Introduction Chapter 12
This video is the introduction to Chapter 12 of the web course.

This video shows the effect of adding antifreeze on the freezing point of water.

Boiling Point Reduced Pressure
This video shows the decrease in the boiling point of water by decreasing the applied pressure.

  Vapor Pressure and Concentration
This video shows the transfer of water from a solution of low concentration to a solution of high concentration based on the difference in vapor pressure.

Osmotic Pressure Dialysis Tubing
This video shows the flow of water through dialysis tubing into a sample of molasses.

  Freezing Point Depression NaCl
This video shows the decrease in the freezing point of water by adding salt.

Volatility of Acetone and Water
This video shows the relationship of volatility to intermolecular forces.

  Boiling Point Elevation Lab
This video shows the measuring of boiling point of different solutions of ethylene glycol and the determination of relationship of the boiling point elevation to various concentration units. The boiling point elevation of water is determined. (Document)

Lauric Acid FP Depression Lab
This video shows the collection of data for the freezing point depression of lauric acid and the determination of the molar mass and molecular formula of an unknown compound. (Document)


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