Topic - • Algebra

NumberSystem animation
This is an animated graphic on the Number System, all numbers being Complex Numbers. It breaks down the components of the Real Number System so that students can understand the hierarchy of numbers within this system.

Product-MixProblem animation (GIF)
A linear programming problem using pre-fabricated units to assemble chairs and stools.

Topic - • Statistics
Shows all the possible combinations of N & O in a hereditary tree.
Roach Dissection animation
A humorous introduction to t-distributions in which roaches are fed glucose and then dissected for sampling to see how quickly their metabolism absorbs the sugar. Based on an example in "The Basic Practice of Statistics" by Moore, page 413.
Jurors animation (GIF)
An animation shows an example of sampling in selecting a jury, and the students are asked to determine if the sample reflects the population. View the text for this problem.
BalanceMean animation
An animation showing that the mean of a distribution is the balance point of its histogram.
A PowerPoint containing the nine curves from the J.J. Flash animations below showing several normal curves with different means and standard deviations. (used as a discussion aid after showing the "JJ_Flash" animations below, where tiny cartoon characters ("Jumping Jack Flash") modify a curve into each of the nine different curves.)thumbnail
JJFlash-curve_A animation (GIF) An animation. (see adjacent 9_Curves.ppt.)
JJFlash-curve_B animation (GIF)
An animation. (see adjacent 9_Curves.ppt.)
JJFlash-curve_C animation (GIF)
An animation. (see adjacent 9_Curves.ppt.)
Z_Slide animation (GIF)
An animation where the area under a standard normal curve are shaded, and the shaded area can be moved back and forth by manually toggling through the "pages" of the animation.
M-n-Ms_Scoops animation (GIF)
An animation - two different 3-sided scoops made from the same size flat sheet of board dip into a pile of M&M candies. Which scoop holds the most? The volume differs because the sides and bottoms are different measurements.
Topic - • Precalculus / Trigonometry
FerrisWheel-NoDots animation and FerrisWheelWithDots animation
A pair of animations of the side-view of a double ferris wheel showing the path taken by a passenger as he travels around the ferris wheel. The first animation just shows the wheel turning, while the second animation leaves "tracer" dots behind in the path of the rider showing the path taken. This is used in conjunction with "Trig in the Real World", and parametric equations.
Monkeys-Pendulum animation
This animation provides a fun way to compare the arc of two pendulums, a pair of monkeys whose tails are of different lengths swing out to gather bananas. Students visualize the movement of a pendulum and the central angles arc length.
OneMonkeyPendulum animation
This animation of a monkey swinging out to gather bananas provides a fun way for students to visualize the movement of a pendulum and the central angles arc length.
Joan'sHeadache animation
The exponential decay of a drug in a person's system.
Hawks-Doves_PhasePortrait animation
This animation shows the use of trigonometric functions to model a common periodic phenomena of the rise and fall of two populations: hawks and doves.
BoxProblem animation
An animation showing three identical size sheets of cardboard folding into three open-top boxes, each with different bottom and side dimensions. This is used to show how the various size squares give different volumes of space inside, although they are made from the same size of raw material. Also there is an optimum volume which can be reached using any one size of raw material (a Max/Min problem for Calculus or below).
BoxProblem_with_labels.jpg or BoxProblem_template.jpg
thumbnailTwo still images used in conjunction with "Box Problem" animation above. One has the formula and labels, and one is blank so the instructor can use it in a powerpoint or other application and add text labels and values as desired.
X-Y_Graph_A_anim animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

X-Y_Graph_B animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

X-Y_Graph_C animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

X-Y_Graph_D animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

X-Y_Graph_E animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

X-Y_Graph_F animation
This animation plays an X graph, then a Y graph, then allow you to view the X-Y data being graphed concurrently with the individual X and Y graphs.

EngineDisplacement animation
This animation shows the steps in converting Liters into cubic inches in order to compare the displacement of two engines, one of which is described in Liters, and the other described in cubic inches.

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