Topic - • Physics

LightingLED animation
An HTML5 animation showing how to complete a circuit to light an LED light bulb.

HowToLightBulb animation
An animated GIF showing how to complete a circuit to light an incandescent light bulb.

Right_Hand_Rule animation
This animated GIF shows the application of the right-hand-rule (RHR) for the magnetic force (F) on a current (I) in a magnetic field (B). A wire carrying conventional current passes through a magnetic field perpendicular to the field lines. In order to apply the RHR, extend the fingers of the right hand in the direction of the current in such a way that when you bend your fingers, they point in the direction of the magnetic field. Your extended thumb then points in the direction of the magnetic force on the current. Note that this same rule applies to the force on a positively-charged particle if instead of a current in a wire, the particle were traveling in the same direction as the current in the animation. If the particle is negative, the direction of the force would be the opposite of that indicated.

AtmosphericPressure animation
An HTML5 animation showing how atmospheric pressure figures into the equation for gaining acceleration to leave the earth's gravity and fly into outer space.
Saturn_Flyby animation
A 3D animated GIF approaching Saturn, flying around the planet showing its rings from above, below and edge-on. Then you fly into and through the rings to show they are made of rocks and dust, and are not solid as they appear, and continue flying up out of the rings, past a Saturn moon, and away again into space while looking backwards as Saturn receeds.
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